Maya Bay, Kho Phi Phi Leh, Thailand -- Setting of "The Beach"

What is this all about?

Simply put, I am an insatiable traveler. I am also a linguist and a photographer, and I photo-journalize my travel adventures and major life-happenings. This blog is as much for me as it is for my readers, as I love to reflect on the places I've been, the people I've met, and the incredible things I've learned over the years. I am blessed to be able to travel the world, and I strive to inspire and encourage others to do the same!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wanderlust Strikes Again

There's just no holding it at bay, no conforming to a "normal" life (what is normal anyway?), and no guilt when it takes over my life time and time again. In fact, the word that best describes what I'm feeling at the moment is "freedom." Such is the life of a person who will forever be happily infected by the travel bug (among other things).

I can explain. I have decided to end my employment at the law office. It's a decision fitting for me, as the legal field is simply not where my passions live or thrive. It was a great learning experience, a wonderful step away from the service industry, and it opened several doors of opportunity through which I have entered and am still working on entering.

So. I'm celebrating by heading to southeast Asia with my hubby for our long-overdue honeymoon in just 3 days! 2012 has been a very different year for me, it was incredibly busy and most of all lacked any international travel, something that I have not lacked since... ... the year 2000. Seriously. January 4th of 2012 I started my job at the law firm. January 4th of 2013 I will be getting on a plane with my favorite travel buddy, Asia-bound and not looking back for 3 weeks. Now THAT is starting the year out on the right foot.

I have a couple of opportunities work-wise that I'm excited to begin exploring when I get back, and I will be starting up my Spanish classes again in February. I am looking forward to discovering what this change will bring, and I think a new year is the perfect time to make it happen.

I am definitely ready for the new year. Don't get me wrong, there were some great things that came out of spending an entire year stateside (I try my hardest to stay positive). I checked several things off my bucket list in 2012: I got married! I started a business! I ran a marathon! At least I had a productive year stateside. I mentioned my lack of international travel in 2012, but not to worry, as I plan to heartily make up for it in 2013 ;)

Lucky 13, bring it on.

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